I have been nominated by Jennifer for the Beautiful Blog Award! Thank you so much ~ It really means a lot because I feel that there is a lot of "not beautiful" stuff in my life right now.
Here are the rules for the award:
~Thank the person who nominated you and link to their blog.
~Copy the award and paste it to your blog.
~Tell us 7 interesting facts about yourself.
~Nominate 7 bloggers that you love and link to their blog.
~ 7 interesting facts about little yours truly ~
1. My favorite show of all time is Gilmore Girls ~ yes I own all 7 seasons and watch them over and over and over =)
2. I love music ~ I took piano lessons from 1st grade through 9th grade. Sitting down at the piano to play soothes me ~ but I do NOT like classical music...don't like to listen to it or play it! My favorite artists are: Michael W Smith, Steven Curtis Chapman, Tenth Avenue North, Josh Wilson, The Beatles, JoDee Messina....I could go on and on =)
3. I have three blogs ~ yes three, because two just wasn't enough (HA!). I have a family blog (which is where I post every day stuff...which is the blog where I was pretty much criticized for posting my agonizing pain and sadness over losing Emelia), a crafty blog and this blog.
4. I hate snakes ~ totally hate them (and I don't like to use the word hate). When I was younger I used to *attempt* to be brave and look at snakes in the encyclopedia (remember what those are....yeah that was before that uber-reliable source of information, Wikipedia was invented) ~ I used to squint my eyes and TRY to look at them but I couldn't ~ I felt the uncontrolable urge to scream.
5. I didn't have a wedding ~ my husband and I eloped ~ I found out I was pregnant with Griffin when I was 20 years old (and still in college), so we had a "destination wedding"....at the courthouse =P Why didn't we have a wedding? Because someone told me that "if you have sex before you are married you don't deserve a wedding." So as usual, I was the "undeserving one" ~ story of my life.
6. I love to read ~ everything from magazines to books (but not maps ~ I don't think I could accurately read a map to save my life). Right now two of my favorite magazines are Mothering and Kiwi. The book I am reading right now is The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks. I just finished reading "True Colors" by Kristin Hannah and I'm working through the book, "Lord I Want to be Whole" by Stormie Omartian.
7. Even though I am 28 years old I have no idea what I want to "be" when I grow up (well other than an adult ~ as that isn't really optional). I have one semester left until I get my BS in health science with a minor in Psychology. All I ever really wanted to "be" is a mom. But right now I'm trying to decide if I want to keep on the path and become either a genetic counselor (I LOVE genetics) or occupational therapist....or do I want to do something else? I've been toying with the idea of becoming a paramedic or perhaps a hospice nurse. I was a hospice volunteer while I was in high school and I really enjoyed being there with those special people and their fmailies.
And now to nominate 7 other bloggers for this award!
1. Emily at Mumblings from Troy Ohio
2. Maria at Losing Lucy
3. Lisette at Learning to Breathe Again
4. Katy at In Hannah's Honor
Do I lose my award if I only give the Beautiful Blogger Award to 4 special women?
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